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E-Voting is Fraud

Virtual can never be allowed to change Reality, this would
be akin to a shadow controlling the one who cast it.

E-Voting is FRAUD, i.e. virtual can only reflect reality
like a mirror, never be permitted to become/absorb it,
which with less than divine humans involved is unavoidable.

In short it is mathematically/cryptographically impossible.
(we explain this below in the original TED comments on this matter)

In other words the election process is too sacred to trust anyone.
Yet there is a way described below.

Thus while we are still spiritual beings in a physical world, we must never allow the
same single "physical/spiritual world" we all share (yes it really is ONE despite all the spiritual
chauvinists out there
) we cannot allow it to become commandeered by the
virtual world, which is neither, is what happens when we allow E-Voting of any kind...
more on this here: & here

In other words, virtual must only be used to
serve the real, never the real the virtual.

This is the power of the virtual, to serve the real, yet it is also the danger, i.e. that people who do not understand this sacred
relationship between the two, who could, without our presence, permit the virtual to destroy the real, this is
why we exist, to prevent this from happening, being the intelligent inspired beings that we are.

Cyberspace is merely a tool to assist
what is ALREADY REAL, not determine it.

Virtual can never be permitted to be more than a
reflection of reality, otherwise it destroys reality.

Hence, e-voting can never be secured without an
undesirable Totalitarian Police State, read on to see why...



& read  the amazingly simple solution !!

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Sunday, March 4, 2012


The only fail safe voting system is...

There simply is no other way than this
& fortunately this way is simple, and perfect




 The only way to verify a physical vote is to have everyone who voted view a
single giant physical chalk board per precinct with all the votes cast displayed with
a code next to each vote that each voter in the assembled crowd will be able to view
and acknowledge, or deny, that indeed that is how they voted by matching it with the
Human Readable serial code they received when they cast their vote, without
of course revealing who they voted for, yes all of them must be present at the
same time, with no one dissenting, i.e. everyone confirming
their vote is correct or not, which can be done on a
precinct by precinct basis.
There can be no electronics involved of any kind, none. 
There simply is no other way, and yes it is as simple as this. 

Everyone can do this, and must, or live with the results of not.

As for logistics, voting is that important, that it must be given the sacred sanctity it deserves via
granting an entire day off from work to the public, to vote and verify in their respective precincts,
that is the least we can do for something this important, alas 'others' know this too, and do not
really want to hear what you really think, hence the current state of affairs,
that this way remedies without complexity.

Lastly, so as to not simply be reduced to the yes-men & women we have been reduced
to, we must also be able to vote NO, not just yes, and unless and until there is a
candidate whose YES's outweigh its NO's, the public has spoken,
NEXT...  produce a new set of candidates.

"We the people" must be of one-mind in terms of what actually happened on election day,
at least on election day, or another group that is farming "we the people" will make up their mind on
what they want the masses to beLIEve happened on that day.  The above & below described method is the only way
this can happen and with it, this other group can finally be included in the group of "we the people" where they belong.

Any questions, read this

NOTE: You will see all sorts of complex explanations of how this can be done
using electronics & computers, but each of these fine people neglect the concept of

and the notion of the "end run" that even petty mobsters
understand trumps EVERYTHING but what was explained above & below...

Here is just one such person from Oxford named
David Bismark who perhaps is not quite
as foolish as he would perhaps like you to be, or have you believe he is...

To participate in the 'debate' of the obvious go here:


10,000 year old Technology


  1. Voters
  2. Chalk
  3. Paper

OPTIONAL: For elections spread over larger geographical areas

    1. Lunar Projection System (as an example of a giant chalk board, to reinforce notion of everyone sees same thing)
    2. This allows aggregation of precincts with Synchro-Vision©
    3. Key being ALL VOTERS have to see everything all at same time to be sure that what each sees is the same thing everyone else sees, just a fractal-up version of the precinct, same easy to understand concept, just using our solar system to our advantage to handle larger numbers of voters over larger geographical areas while still insuring ZERO FRAUD.  The full moon is simply an even bigger chalkboard as the one we use in the precincts.  (Galileo era telescopes are sufficient to view the presentation, of course this is subject to weather conditions and can only be used per one hemisphere, and is merely an example of the concept of everyone being able to review EVERYTHING with no possibility of showing different things to regions.  Of course Broadcast TV is sufficient, and precincts are too big to steal anyway when tallied as follows below)

in fact they are FORBIDDEN


  1. Voters vote via 100% secret ballot @ their public precinct and receive two receipts, both with the same HUMAN READABLE serial code, think of deli or bakery tickets.
  2. Precincts average sizes are 1000 voters if everyone actually votes, a very manageable size, yet big enough to ensure it cannot be stolen, too big to steal, thus its result will feed into the county, then to the state and so on, with NO CHANCE of undetected FRAUD, since once the PRECINCTS are PURE, the COUNTIES are PURE and so on , and each voter will have the results of their precinct to take home knowing it is VALID, TRUE and BONAFIDE.
  3. The Precinct Meeting Room, or outside in a field would have a giant chalk board to display all the votes and the look up codes to match with the one voters received when they voted.
  4. Everyone per precinct who voted returns at the end of the sacred ALL DAY Election Holiday at the same place they voted to confirm their precinct's results UNANIMOUSLY.  {also known as wholly accept or discard}
  5. Anyone who does not return has their vote wiped from the chalk board as determined as follows:
    1. The code numbers per precinct are serial, like those given on the little slips of paper at the deli or bakery, and are listed in order next to their corresponding votes on the giant chalk board, typically only about 400-800 votes per precinct based on turn out.  {this is key because it is just the right size for the average human to be able to see it all at once in their minds eye}
    2. Upon entering the room/field, each voter places their 2nd copy of the their serial code receipt into a bag @ the entrance before taking their seat in the assembly area.
    3. The thus assembled voters in the room/field can easily find their code on the board to verify the vote matches without anyone else knowing which number they are looking at.
    4. Since the number of people in the room must match the number of votes on the board, it is simple to determine which votes to wipe from the board if the numbers differ by simply taking the second copy of the serial code receipt each voter deposited anonymously into the bag upon entering the assembly area and eliminating any votes from the board of no shows whose serial numbers are not in the bag.
    5. Then a horn is sounded indicating we are ready to verify the sanctity of the vote for that precinct.
    6. Everyone in the room is then requested to attest that their vote is correct and to acknowledge that the number of people in the room is equal to the number of votes on the board, and that the totals are correct.
    7. Any voters who do not agree, can then have their votes recorded accordingly as follows:
      1. Everyone in attendance @ Precinct verification resubmits their vote on a piece of paper with their code into a basket.
      2. Chalk board is updated if any changes are detected.
      3. All liars can lie, whatever their last lie is what is recorded.
      4. Anonymity is still assured since no one can know who requested their vote to be changed by looking at chalkboard.
        1. Chalkboard is simple yet ingenious method of communicating one way: each voter can check their code without revealing to anyone how they voted. Changes in chalk board cannot be correlated to who requested the change.
      5. Since there are a small number of people, per precinct, and it is an anonymous, yet public verification process, there is tremendous risk associated with conducting fraud without being identified as the trouble maker.
      6. There is no advantage to anyone to switch someone else's vote just to determine who they are, since one cannot know whose vote to switch in order to attempt to determine whose who since it started out secret and remains secret throughout.
      7. Those attempting to change the election results for their precinct have no way of knowing how other precincts voted, thus no way to know how much 'tweaking' is necessary, since the tally is simultaneous across all precincts.
      8. Trouble makers will be shown to be so by their repeated refusals to accept that their vote is what they said it was.
      9. After 3 precinct level re-tallies, if there is still an issue, the voters who still are not happy can choose to identify themselves if they choose, or remain anonymous and accept the results, then it will be clear that the problem is with the voter volunteer coordinators of that precinct, who are also voters from that precinct who volunteered, which will put the pressure on them to not tamper either to avoid being singled out as the fraud committing party. 
        1. This set of voter volunteers will be switched between each of as many as 3 re-tallies, if required, to further reduce the likelihood of fraud.
        2. Penalties for vote tampering will be extremely high and easily proven given the above described method.
    8. Once all voters agree, the results are printed onto precinct receipts and given to each voter.
    9. THIS CONCLUDES the PRECINCT LEVEL which is beyond a shadow of a doubt FAIL-SAFE
    10. Then as each precinct completes this process, everything is totaled up and the national results are shown on LIVE broadcast television with each precinct's totals shown so the still assembled voters can see for themselves that everything adds up.  If television, like internet which suffers the same vulnerability is not trusted due to the ability of manipulators to show different things to different regions, then simply project onto the face of the full moon that same evening to the assembled precincts, the national results and the precinct totals for everyone to see LIVE at the same time on the face of the SAME full moon everyone can see that night.  If even one voter in the whole nation objects to the presentation, which would not happen since there is no room for fraud whatsoever, the results are not valid.
    11. Any discrepancies will immediately be known on that sacred ALL DAY Election Holiday, but no fraud will occur since there simply is no place or time to do it, because of the simplicity of the process.
    12. Everyone who does not vote and do their due diligence on this hereby sanctified day is of course left out.
  1. This is a very simple issue that has been obfuscated
    to make it easy for those who have robotized the
    public via fine P$AULINE rhetoric...
  2. The simple solution is to have an equal number of voters
    per district with no concern for party affiliation whatsoever.  PERIOD.  THIS IS THE KEY
  3. State's total population is divided by number of districts to give number of voters per district.
  4. The districts would be COMPLETELY AGNOSTIC, census data
    would NOT include anything but a head count, just as prescribed
    in any just Constitution.
  5. The shape of the districts would be rectangular, no weird shapes.
    Voters do not get to pick their district and neither do the politicians
    get to pick their voters.  This is the only way fairness can be assured.
  6. Rectangles are sized mathematically to create equal number of voters
    per district based purely on geometry starting in the upper-left hand corner
    of the map one row at a time until each district is selected.
  7. Rectangles are centered on center of gravity of population centers based on well known ancient engineering center of gravity spatial geometric principals.
  8. In big cities, same process is fractally repeated, again agnostically to party on purely geometrical population density basis.
  9. Then each representative is assigned the district whose center of gravity is closest to the representative's home address.
  10. Districting is hard copy published and available for review by the public in every City Hall.
  11. Process is intentionally NO-TECH, i.e. not even low-tech, NO-TECH, just pencil, paper, and basic math.
  12. This process is repeated each election cycle.
  13. All other explanations & schemes are pure horse trading moonshine.

Send any questions to: who will dispatch your questions to one of our specialists waiting to answer your questions.

Thank you when you share this link with others:


There is nothing ANY Electronic Voting System can do to prevent keeping two sets of books, or in this case multiple databases, i.e. one that is dog and ponied to the public, behind a website that always tells the truth for individuals who take the time to check their vote online, yet the totals being what ever the perpetrators want them to be, with no way for you to prove it by yourself, or even with anything less than the entire electorate.

And other "views" that are used to represent the "outcome" of the election, which of course to defend privacy advocates legitimate concerns for secrecy, can never be verified to be or not be representative of what actually took place.  NEVER.

Thus the only remedy is to have the voters themselves validate, per small sized, yet interlocking precincts, their own votes as well as the other voters' votes who turned out as described here:

There simply is NO OTHER WAY, so stop wasting your time trying to find the nonexistent pot of gold at the end of the rainbow that is the elusive trap of E-Voting, it ain't their folks.  E-Voting is a BOGUS  FRAUD wrapped in chicanery, balderdash, hokum flimflam and other pap.

13 hours ago: Any system which requires trust of any kind is cursed straight out of the gate, thus any one who cannot see this is either a moron or perp. 

Repeat to your silly "wise only in your own eyes" selves: 

ALL electronic voting systems are flawed since they require trust, and this is precisely the most important aspect of any voting system that it MUST NOT rely on trust, of ANY KIND.

At the following link you will read about the only system that requires no trust, that is right no trust is required, just as it must be:


David Bismark (+42)

8 hours ago: Indeed, we need a system where trust is not invested in any one organisation or small group of people. In the system I propose in my TED talk (and here in the thread that you keep trying to hijack, would you mind stopping that perhaps?) the trust is spread out over dozens, if not hundreds of different trusted parties. This might be each of the political parties, the government, the United Nations, the African Union, the governments of other countries in the region, the Electoral Reform Society and countless election observation organisations. Unless all of these trusted parties all work together to break the election, no-one is able to do so. This is much better than trusting a single election authority to manage the election I think.

REPLY:  David with all due respect, your professed lack of intellectual depth, as well as inability to grasp the obvious is startling, but not nearly as alarming as all the fools who take your "idea" seriously.

Are we dealing with children here ?

No sooner did we agree that NO TRUST is acceptable, did you then launch into the specious "idea" that spreading it around somehow eliminates it, just as evil industrialists, there are good ones too, want us to believe toxic waste spread around by smoke stacks or used as fertilizer over millions of acres some how gets rid of it.  Balderdash !!!

ZERO is ZERO, anything else is not.

This system must have ZERO trust to be itself trusted, ZERO....

There must be ZERO hiding places in a system that determines something as sacred as who our leaders are to be.

They must not be allowed to hijack it as you say.

The "this is as good as it gets" gambit simply will not do either.

Only this NO-TEK system requires ZERO TRUST, thus is 100% trustworthy:

Dawson's excellent mind experiment proves Bismark's system is pure chicanery.

There are 4 voters A B C D in precinct Z, for parties X & Y. 

A B C D vote for X. A has no clue who B C or D are or how they have voted. 

The final count is 1 vote for X & 3 for Y. 

Question: 1. How could this be done? Easily.

And 2. How would A know a fraud has been committed?

A doesn't know if the final count 1 for X & 3 for Y is correct. He only knows how he has voted not how the others voted.

THUS the ONLY way to prevent this, is actually very simple. A B C D from precinct Z reconvene at days end TOGETHER to verify their votes have been counted correctly.

All precinct Z votes & deli codes are displayed on a giant board visible to all, each voter can deny or affirm their vote was correctly recorded without telling others how they voted.

Everyone knows how many REAL people are in REAL room & how many REAL votes are on board.

Simple Vegas Card Counter logic SEE:

If we cannot be assured the system is fair, we only have the APPEARANCE of Democracy, which is anything but democracy. 

Bismark's system, and all E-systems, are FRAUDULENT straight out of the gate, and all you fools can do is discuss the arrangement of the furniture in a fraudulent system.

The people cannot trust anyone within their ranks, especially those who believe they are somehow above the "regular" people, this is a fundamental concept of TRUTH.

Thus we can have no system that hides any aspect of itself from anyone at anytime, it must be visible in its entirety all at once, every precinct at a time. 

If you morons really cannot understand this low tech fail safe approach you are not qualified to protect anyone from anything, nor even your dangerously silly selves and must be protected by those who do understand the dangers of putting idiots in charge of anything, especially determining who our leaders are.

Just like paper money versus gold, there is no comparison to REALITY:

LEARN while you still can:

E-voting is BOGUS, always was, always will be, everyone SHOULD know this, only fools beLIEve otherwise. 

Only the naive and perps suggest otherwise, which one are you David ? 

The "TWO SETS of BOOKS" syndrome is what you are not accounting for, that every mobster is very familiar with. 

Have you ever been responsible for cash David ?

It must be a process where EVERYONE sees everything as it really is, not how it has been changed to be, all must agree in truth and there is a way and it is SIMPLE and LOW TECH and requires a whole day to do per precinct with everyone who cares available, read on:

THIS ->; is the only FAIL SAFE VOTING System and it is LOW tech, and requires real participation, a real relationship between citizens but absolutely no TRUST whatsoever is required and anonymity is assured:  

There is no other way, as this way is both necessary and sufficient, and the ONLY WAY.


SCREW the so called "experts", we are all experts now, besides this is common-sense, why are you complicating it and creating tiers of people ?  Lords and the Lorded.


E-VOTING does not bring people together, it keeps them apart.

The big lie technique is very much still in practice.

Saying E-VOTING BRINGS PEOPLE TOGETHER IS A FOUL LIE that you try to lead your talk with to spin your listeners into and you know it.

OPEN SOURCE, TRANSPARENT, you have got to be kidding us, what about the parts we cannot see ? 

If ALL cannot see ALL parts, it only takes the one part that we cannot see EVERY-TIME it is used, to break your notion of 'open' source, that is why there can be no computers whatsoever between us and each other for this sacred process of elections. 

You really are straining the borders of chicanery if you expect anyone but the most gullible to trust you.

This is the only way AND it really does bring people together in REALITY:

What hope is there when there are so many fools that think they are smart... 

Yes any of you who entertain any sort of electronic voting system whatsoever are all fools, as you do not understand first principles. 

There is no way to secure a system meant to tabulate the decisions of a group of people unless that group of people does it themselves all at once on the spot, which of course is possible, as described below, without computer technology of any kind.

No different than other virtual problems like gold coin versus paper money. Same thing.

First principle, you cannot trust anyone, especially those to whom you have given yours and your ability to take it back when they violate it.

There is plenty of hope when you read this:


David Bismark (+42)

1 day ago: Roberto, this is not quite correct. You as a voter verify that your vote is counted and then the public, in the process called public verification, verifies that all the votes are counted correctly. So again, you verify that your vote goes into the votes that are counted and then the public (in the form of various political parties, newspapers and other media outlets, international observers and interested groups and individuals) verifies that all the votes are counted correctly.

NO uninformed trust is required, that is the whole point. The whole system is transparent and verifiable so that there is no part of it that we have to blindly trust.

Less than 5 minutes ago: David, this is a lie and you know it, when you say there is no part that we have to blindly trust. Now you are bold faced lying, first thought it was simply intellectual misunderstanding on your part, but now you have flat-out lied. 

The results themselves cannot be verified, we must trust the reporting of the results under every system except, as reporting is the only part that matters, as it is the summation of everything else that took place before it, and the only part that must be rigged to steal the election, thus we cannot depend on anything between us and the reporting of the results, as everything else you have described is just a way to gain the "confidence" of the voters, i.e. a "process" was used, but WE must be the process from start to finish in each precinct via this simple NO-TEK solution that cannot be hijacked as everyone per precinct that voted is there to see THEIR precincts totals accurately fed into the aggregate.

Bismark is either feigning stupidity or isn't, simple two state logic. 

Dawson asked the question quite straightforwardly, Bismark's answer assumes we are idiots, as it does not address the "DOUBLE SET of BOOKs" nor the "END RUN" gambits, either of which could give individuals answers they expect while still stealing the election.

The reason Bismark cannot address these issues is because it simply is not possible to preclude such chicanery outside of this NO-TEK system based on Vegas Card Counting Certainty, where there is no trust, there should be none in our elections either:


A reply on Talk: David Bismark: E-voting without fraud
Nov 22 2010: .

Admire everyone's desire to understand.

Just remember though that all bets are off once you cross the
cybernetic-threshhold which completely disconnects you from the real
physical world and needn't correspond in any way to it. That is rule number
1. You really need not read the rest of this message in fact.

Hope this point is clear, and if not please ask.

Also let us not lose sight of the simple task we are trying to complete

It is not as though we are trying to predict the weather 40 days from now,
we are after all only trying to determine who we voted for, who REALLY won,
an event which actually took place in non-cyber real reality, totals that
can be completely obscured without anyone being able to prove it in
cyberspace, no matter what!

Yet what did happen on election day is known, it is an event we control and
even invited everyone to participate in for crying out loud.

Powerful Catch-22s prevent those who understand from using Cybernetics in
Elections in anyway:

A. Cybernetic Voting cannot be secured without a Police State, under Police
State Dissent is impossible, thus reason enough not to use it.

B. Encryption that is not published completely cannot be trusted, that which
is, can be broken, no matter what anyone tells you as we will demonstrate
below, thus it too cannot be trusted since it can be broken.

C. The very people who can make complicated encryption are also smart enough
to trick YOU when you beLIEve a word they say.

D. Do not take anyone's word for item C, just know that it is true.
E. Virtual must remain the servant of Real

F. Real cannot be allowed to be changed by virtual, this would be akin to a
shadow controlling the one who cast it.

G. Just remember that the virtual in this case will be the shadow not of the
the voters, but of the one you cannot see yet does exist and must remain
encrypted, in its crypt to be able to operate, and thus must be forbidden by
the living from entering our physical realm or suffer the same fate.

But as you appear to want to understand how cryptography works,
please read the following, it is very simple as all truth is, and is very
important for the individual to understand and use with other individuals as
needed to protect the individual from the State as the State is the biggest
mass murderer of all time when armed with technologies meant to serve only
the individual, hope this fine yet most important distinction is clear to

It is similar to all classic philosophical razor edge distinctions, e.g.
what is appropriate in one context, and most beautiful etc, can be
completely horrid & deadly in another, same exact thing, just wrong context,
catastrophic outcome.

Now please how easy it is to understand and thus break the following:

A reply on Talk: David Bismark: E-voting without fraud
Nov 22 2010: .

Admire everyone's desire to understand.

Just remember though that all bets are off once you cross the
cybernetic-threshhold which completely disconnects you from the
real physical world and needn't correspond in any way to it.
That is rule number 1. You really need not read the rest of this message in fact.

Hope this point is clear, and if not please ask.

Also let us not lose sight of the simple task we are trying to complete here.

It is not as though we are trying to predict the weather 40 days from now, we are
after all only trying to determine who we voted for, who REALLY won, an event
which actually took place in non-cyber real reality, totals that can be completely
obscured without anyone being able to prove it in cyberspace, no matter what!

Yet what did happen on election day is known, it is an event we control
and even invited everyone to participate in for crying out loud.

Powerful Catch-22s prevent those who understand from using Cybernetics in Elections in anyway:

A. Cybernetic Voting cannot be secured without a Police State, under
    Police State Dissent is 
NOT possible, thus reason enough not to use it.

B. Encryption that is not published completely cannot be trusted, that which is,
    can be broken, no matter what anyone tells you as we will demonstrate below,
    thus it too cannot be trusted since it can be broken.

C. The very people who can make complicated encryption are
    also smart enough to trick YOU when you beLIEve a word they say.

D. Do not take anyone's word for item C, just know that it is true.

E. Virtual must remain the servant of Real

F. Real cannot be allowed to be changed by virtual, this would
    be akin to a shadow controlling the one who cast it.

G. Just remember that the virtual in this case will be the shadow not of the the voters,
     but of the one you cannot see yet does exist and must remain encrypted, in its crypt
     to be able to operate, and thus must be forbidden by the living from entering our physical 
     realm or suffer the same fate.

But as you appear to want to understand how cryptography works, please read the following, it is very simple as all
truth is, and is very important for the individual to understand and use with other individuals as needed to protect the
individual from the State as the State is the biggest mass murderer of all time when armed with technologies meant
to serve only the individual, hope this fine yet most important distinction is clear to everyone.

It is similar to all classic philosophical razor edge distinctions, e.g. what is appropriate in one context, and most
beautiful etc, can be completely horrid & deadly in another, same exact thing, just wrong context, catastrophic outcome.

Now please see just how easy it is to understand, and thus break the following:

Public Key Encryption EXACTLY as it is:

P=2, Q=5 are Prime



encryption key e=3, can be anything coprime to Z

Public Key is N & e

Private Key d is the MMI (modular multiplicative inverse) of e (mod Z)

x = MMI of a (mod y) simply means what 
integer value of x will make ax%y=1 ?

In other words, a times what integer 
when divided by y gives remainder=1?

This x is the MMI of a (mod y), yes it is that simple.

Thus we have d=MMI 3 (mod 4) = 7 
because (3*7)/4=5 with remainder 1

Our message, m=8

We encrypt m giving us cyphertext:

c=m^e % N = 8*8*8 % 10 = 512 % 10 = 2

Thus P=2, Q=5, N=10, Z=4, e=3, d=7, m=8, c=2

Now lets decrypt it and see if it is what we started with.

m=c^d % N = 2^7 % 10 = 128 % 10 = 8 !!!! 

It works, and yes it is that simple.

NOW, lets see, the only thing we need to know is P & Q and we get it all.

We know PxQ, just not P & Q themselves. 

We also know e !!!!

Thus we need only factor PxQ, how hard can that be, even if P&Q are huge, how bout not hard at all !!!


Well lets start off with the fact that the primes are FIXED never change, and we know TONS of them already.

Combine this with the FACT that since this algorithm is & must be published completely to be trusted at all,
in the nevertheless always untrustworthy Cybernetic domain, it is trivial to know the product PQ has only
TWO factors, i.e. 
P & Q as primes dictate !

Even worse, even though there is no largest prime, they do thin out VERY quickly as you go up,
thus factoring them becomes a trivial matter even with GARGANTUAN 
P & Q, as they trail off in
density inversely EXPONENTIALLY to the natural log N, base e as N increases.

So we have a VERY WELL KNOWN FIXED NON-MOVING TARGET, i.e. the primes, which have been
studied & PUBLISHED since the earliest recorded times, whose density drops off dramatically as you
go up, THUS PK is ALL MYSTIQUE & BLUFF, as so few really have taken even the minimum amount
of time to understand it as we have laid it out above: each simply taking OTHERS word for it, not
realizing that they haven't looked into it either, FOOLS.

BTW, even with Quantum Key Encryption, the truth
can never be hidden, that is just the nature of truth no
matter how many liars dispute this FACT...

Humpty Dumpty-> http://GOO.GL/oe3oi


E-Voting can never be secure, without a totalitarian police state.

NEVER EVER, no matter how much electronic process you wrap it in, due to the nature of cyberspace vs. real reality.

You simply have not thought this all the way through, are over enamoured with your own "abilities",  and are being funded & subsequently used by those who know what we are telling you is true, but will keep this truth from you,  until you are done building it out for them to enable their rule & dominance, and then ditch you when you have completed their "full-spectrum-dominance-grid" that fools like you will not be a part of aside from building it !!

With all due respect, be not fools one moment longer.  The safety of humanity is in the balance. 

  • Humans are real. 
  • Cyberspace is not. 

Neither the twain shall meet when it comes to life or death decisions regarding who governs as the temptation to cheat is too great, thus the only way to decide this is to be found here:

Cyberspace is merely a tool to assist what is ALREADY real, not determine it.  Surely this thought is not too profound for you, yet it is the crux few, especially the overconfident, can see:

Cryptography is by its very nature deals with the death of truth, and beyond, hence its name including the word CRYPT.

Crypotgraphers in general are some of the most self-deceived over-confident fools to ever have breathed, UNLESS they understand the over-arching yet profound boundary-condition rules of CRYPTOGRAPHY hidden from them by very clever people above them, yet they can when they simple read the following here:

Remember, once you submit the validation of an election to a process where everyone who voted cannot see the whole precincnt in which they voted, on up, then it is possible to steal the election, and use crytography to hide the fact and even make it official.  Only the few will know and you will not be one of them.  They will have effectively submerged all of humanity into a world of their making, and none will be the wiser.

Nevertheless humans are worth the time it takes to do this right, and fortunately there is an astonishingly simple non-electronic way to do it:

See the forces salivating to enslave you and have you build your own prison for them, rely on obfuscation and guile, and hence the complexity and "faith" required to "believe" in their system.  All fools belong in prison, are you really foolish enough to build one ?

The only way to secure electronic voting is via a totalitarian police state, so in either case, voting is rendered irrelevant, and even worse it engenders a feeling of unwarranted confidence.

Thus the only solution remaing is located here  for you to study and come to your senses before we make one more false step in the direction of death to free will described here:





  Frequently Asked Questions

You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete
(assuming you even know what the current one is...)

WE-R©  the new model   Wageless Economy - Robotic©

Leave this world  ALIVE...  as WE-R©